Rainbow Chard Saute

So many times I feel like I’m overthinking how to cook with the Healthy Harvest Box! At times it’s best to keep it simple, especially when you are introducing your family to new things, don’t make a big deal out of it and stop making it so hard.

This week I needed to spend a few days away from my house with my mom at her place. I got home late one day and the only protein in the refrigerator was some hot dogs and eggs. Hmmmm.

Well, thank goodness it was a package of Applegate Farms turkey hot dogs (YASS!), now I just needed to concoct something using this week’s box goodness. I was quite pleased with my results.

Serves 1 + a small dog (the canine variety)

1 1/2- 2 hot dogs of your liking (I dropped half of it and the dog was the lucky recipient of the other half) – cut into pieces
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1/2 bunch or more of chard
some olive oil
Underwoods Sriracha (optional garnish)

Heat a medium sized cast iron or skillet over medium-low heat, glaze the pan with some olive oil and add the shallot and sauce for a few minutes until then start to get soft, then add the chard and sauce for a few more. The chard will start to get soft and the shallots will turn a nice golden color. Add the hot dog pieces and sizzle to your liking. Drizzle a little Underwoods Sriracha on top.